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Ibogaine as a Treatment for Substance Abuse

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reading about Ibogaine, the substance’s similarity with LSD and Psilocybin is striking. Ibogaine is also psychostimulant and hallucinogenic like former. Ibogaine is found naturally in the plants of Apocynaceae family. Vinca Minor is a popular plant of the family and popular cancer medicine Vincristine is obtained from the same plant. Ibogaine is an alkaloid and can also be manufactured in the laboratory. However artificial manufacturing methods are complex and too costly to be commercially viable. Ibogaine is either directly extracted from the plants or a plant precursor is used to convert it into Ibogaine. Ibogaine treatment refers to the application of Ibogaine to treat addictions or the more appropriate term would be dependencies. Especially the sufferers of opioid addictions report considerable benefits from the Ibogaine treatment.

Ibogaine treatmebnt should be initiated under the supervision of a doctor or specialist who knows to take care of the patient if anything goes wrong. In higher doses the drug poses considerable hazards.

Coming to the application of Ibogaine to treat drug addictions it is said to have the property of eliminating the root cause of the problem not just the symptoms. The first phase of the effects of Ibogaine is disassocative hallucination. Person taking the substance sees metaphysical things, lights auras etc. Even some people claim that they have seen the events of their childhood, long forgotten, in vivid details. Second phase is the ability subject gets to look into the causes of the addiction. The chain of events that have lead to the condition and then gains the ability to break that chain.


  1. Hi,

    I enjoyed reading your article and wanted to share two new options for treatment.


  2. Unknown Says:
  3. Yeah, I have heard that ibogaine treatment is really helpful for people who are addicted to substances. I personally have never taken in because the only thing I am addicted to is sunflower seeds, so i'm not sure how it works. ;)


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